
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has implemented a triage system at health facilities where the order of treatment will depend on the urgency of treatment or sickness of those seeking medical attention.

Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon. Dr. Ifereimi Waqainabete says this is to ensure those needing urgent medical treatment are seen first by the doctors and nurses.

“The Ministry is continuously striving to improve our service delivery as a result adopting new and innovative ways of conducting daily operations at the health facilities. Whilst undertaking such important exercises, we are urging all Fijians to exercise patience and understanding,” Dr. Waqainabete says.

With a number of leptospirosis cases as well as viral like illness, patients are encouraged to visit the health facilities between 8am to 4pm.

The Health Minister says this will ensure patients are served in an effective and efficient manner.

“Those with potential signs of leptospirosis such as fever, headache and muscle pain should visit the nearest health facilities. We are encouraging Fijians to keep themselves hydrated and to look after their health,” Minister Waqainabete said.