The current road death toll stands at 36 compared to 37 for the same period last year.

Following Thursday’s road fatality recorded in the Western Division the number of pedestrians who have lost their lives on our roads stands at 23 which is a major concern.

A further break down reveals 12 cases were whereby pedestrians were at fault making it the number one cause of accidents. Of the 23, majority of the victims were aged 36 years and above while 4 children were aged below 16 years of age.

While a lot of awareness has been primarily focused on drivers the statistics clearly indicate the need for pedestrians to re-evaluate their role while on our roads.

There’s a misconception that drivers need to take sole responsibility of safety aspects when it comes to traffic issues, however the Fiji Police would like to reiterate the message that pedestrians also have an equally important role to play.

On the same note we will always impress on drivers to practice safe driving in light of the statistics which clearly indicate that speeding and dangerous driving on the part of the driver is the second main cause of fatalities on our roads.

The festive season is upon us and we are anticipating a lot of movement and everyone should always be mindful of their safety and that of others.

In the last 48 hours three serious accident cases were recorded throughout the divisions, two of which involved children.

The recent case was recorded yesterday at 11am at 6miles when a private car driven by a 36 year old farmer of Sawani whilst heading towards Suva bumped a 9 year old student who had allegedly ran across the road from the back of a stopping bus.

As investigations continue the high number of serious accident cases involving pedestrians and in particular children continue to be a concern.

We are pleading with parents and guardians to help with the awareness process by teaching their children the basics of road safety. Habits such as crossing at the back of stationary vehicles and playing on the side of the road while walking to and from their intended destinations have been noted to be common with children.

The issue of road safety needs a concerted effort by everyone and cannot be solely handled by the Fiji Police Force. As we enter the festive season we want everyone to be enjoying the festivities rather than suffering or mourning the loss of a loved one.