The Fiji Police Force is urging members of the public to take precautions in light of the current weather conditions being faced across the country.

As the heavy rain warning remains for Fiji we are humbly requesting members of the public to cooperate with the Fiji Poice in ensuring their safety and that of their loved ones.

Those living in and around areas where a flood warning has been issued are advised to take all necessary precautions and move to higher ground and avoid moving if and when flooding occurs.

Parents and guardians are also advised to keep a close eye on their children. It has often been the norm for children to be seen swimming in flooded areas and especially near drains which is a serious safety threat.

Motorists are also being humbly requested to drive carefully in light of the slippery road conditions. It is also advisable to avoid crossing flooded roads as we do not know what the strength of the currents or hidden dangers under water.

This is a time when we are requesting members of the public to take heed of the weather bulletins and advisories and ensure their family members are well and safe at all times.