Week in review

Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Limited (ATH), BSP Convertible Notes Limited (BCN), RB Patel Group Limited (RBG) and the restricted stock, Fijian Holdings Limited (FHL) were the securities witnessing trades on the Exchange etrading platform this week. In aggregate, 17,194 shares exchanged hands in 14 transactions accumulating $50,545 in value. Out of the four securities witnessing trades, the supermarket chain, RBG was the only listed company to witness a price movement and rose 0.80% to a new all-time high share price of $2.52. The increase in share price for RBG resulted in the overall capitalisation of the market to increase 0.08% which at close of trading on Friday stood at $776,414,669.

Moreover, a dividend return of 1.59% from RBG as well as an increase in its share price resulted in the market barometer, the SPSE Total Return Index to increase of 0.23% and ended the week of trading activities at a value of 1889.77. RBG had declared an interim dividend of $0.04 per share and its shareholders should receive their allocation of dividends on 24th February 2013.

The new order flow picked pace and saw the market recording a total consideration of $98,875. Majority of the orders were recorded for FHL as 58.81% of the overall consideration was reflected by new order flows recorded for FHL only. Other new orders were recorded for RBG, ATH, BCN and Fiji TV.

In terms of overall unexecuted orders on the e-trading order platform, the total shares on bid decreased by 0.22% with the total shares on offer also seeing a decrease of 0.07%.The SPSE bid to offer ratio remained unchanged from prior week and closed at 1:2.

Together with ATH, Fiji TV continues to stand as the narrowest bid-offer margin security with a spread of $0.04 while the radio conglomerate, Communications Fiji Limited (CFM) continues to rank as the widest bid to offer margin security with a spread of $1.05.

The SPSE market announcements platform recorded a single release for the week. Kontiki Growth Fund Limited (KGF) released the net asset value of the company as at end of January 2014. The net asset backing per share showed a 0.15% increase in comparison to the December 2013 value.

For further information, please feel free to contact us on 330 4130 or e-mail on info@spse.com.fj

Jinita Prasad

Chief Executive
