Spirit of Sharing Australia’s Premier Sports and Fitness Not-for-Profit


Peter Cole visited Fiji for the first time when he was 17. He spent a day at Don Bosco Primary School in Napani Suva, and at lunchtime he saw the children improvising games by kicking around empty plastic bottles. With no regular sports gear at the school, Mr Cole decided to start his own project collecting sports equipment back home in Melbourne, Australia to distribute in Fiji.

From 2001 – 2006 Mr Cole was bringing the collected items back to Fiji as excess baggage. In 2007 a Melbourne Rotary Club got behind the project, supporting Peter Cole in his efforts to assist children in Fiji.

In 2007 Mr Cole sent his first 20 foot shipping container to Fiji, full of second hand and new sports equipment. This was donated to many schools in rural Fiji.

The Fiji Ministry of Youth and Sports then offered to lend its support, helping with the facilitation of goods, clearing of the containers and general logistical help.

Since 2007 has become a thriving Not-for-Profit carrying out fitness projects across the Asia-Pacific. Kiribati, Samoa, Vanuatu, Cambodia is just a few countries that have benefited from the volunteer work.
In 2013 Spirit of Sharing (SOS) formed an alliance with Unleashed Travel. Unleashed Travel brings more than 3000 school leavers from across Australia to Fiji each year, for the trip of a lifetime and to celebrate the end of their Secondary education.

Spirit of Sharing has always been committed to providing an opportunity for Fijians to share their culture with the world. This new alliance has made this commitment a reality.

In 2014 SOS is running its largest ever Cultural Exchange events in the South Pacific. With more than 1000 Australians and 5000 Fijians taking part, there is sure to be some great fun. The idea of a cultural exchange is to celebrate through Song, Food, Dance and Sport.

The events will take place at Ratu Navula College on the 27th of November, 3rd of December & 9th of December.

Schools, Youth Clubs and Sports Clubs from across the 350 islands of Fiji were invited earlier this year to apply for the programs. The Ministry of Youth and Sport received many applications and have marked them according to the criteria. More than 100 Schools, Youth Clubs and Sports Clubs have been successful from many islands of Fiji.

SOS Unleashed is Australia’s premier Sport & Fitness Not-for-Profit. Our vision is to ‘Enhance the lives of Youth through Sport and Fitness across the Asia Pacific’.

Peter Cole can be called on 8377593 or emailed at peter@spiritofsharing.com.au