Senior officer leaves for MSG appointment

SSP Erami Raibe, RIGHT,  with ACP Rusiate Tudravu during a farewell morning tea at Police HQ.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Erami Raibe has taken up his new role as the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Department of Peacekeeping Officer (DPKO) in Port Villa, Vanuatu.

With Fiji’s reputation and vast expertise in the peacekeeping field, SSP Raibe becomes the 3rd police officer from Fiji to take up the post since 2010. Prior appointments to the post include Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Isikeli Vuniwaqa and Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Epineri Seibouma in 2010 and 2012 respectively.

The Department of Peacekeeping Operation (DPKO) within the MSG Secretariat was endorsed on 21st June 2013 by leaders of the MSG.

The establishment of the MSG/DPKO was done to strengthen security capability and cooperation between member countries in the MSG region; nurture new dimensions of assistance to the United Nations Peace Keeping efforts; establish available capabilities within the Region to be deployed for any instability through the UNDPKO, in the region or to any part of the world; and to contribute to the improvement of peace and security to our region.

SSP Raibe’s role will be to conduct awareness on the Formed Police Unit (FPU) in all MSG Police organisations, develop policies and doctrines and develop real command course structures for the MSG/DPKO.

In farewelling SSP Raibe, Commissioner of Police Major General Bernadus Groenewald says the Fiji Police Force was losing a valuable member of the organisation.

“Our loss is the MSG’s gain and I wish you well in your new posting as I know you have a lot to contribute towards the betterment of all member countries”.

SSP Raibe’s appointment is for a period of 3 months and he will be based at the MSG Secretariat in Port Villa, Vanuatu.