

The Public Service Commission is on track to have Permanent Secretaries recruited by the end of the year.


Chairman for the Public Service Commission, Mr Vishnu Mohan, said that following the decision to outsource the recruitment process,  Expressions of Interest were advertised in New Zealand, Australia and through the Fiji Missions overseas as well as in the local newspapers.


“We have received a good response and are confident of  finalizing the appointment of a Human Resources consultancy firm within this month. Permanent Secretary positions are the most senior level executive positions in the Civil Service.   Under Section 127(3) of the Constitution, the Permanent Secretary of a Ministry is responsible to the Minister concerned for the efficient, effective and economical management of the Ministry at any department under the Ministry.”


Mr Mohan said it is imperative that Permanent Secretaries be recruited through transparent, independent and robust processes of advertising, short listing, interviewing and vetting.


“We have mapped out a clear strategy and pathway in this regard to have the best qualified and most suitable candidates in the twenty one (21) Permanent Secretary positions by the end of the year.”


The Public Service Commission in their first meeting last month, made the decision to extend the contracts of the current Permanent Secretaries till the end of this year to allow time for the recruitment process to take place.


“The Commission will meet soon to consider and make a decision on the appointment of a suitable Firm or Company as a first step in getting the recruitment process underway.”

Press Release