Photo: Ambassador Kamlesh Arya.

Monday brings a new dawn for Fiji – the beginning of political governance under “Sustainable Democracy”.

The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji congratulates all the elected members of Parliament and welcomes them to the Chamber of National decision making and looks forward to their political indulgence towards nation building and promoting the acceptance of diversity for peace and prosperity.

“ The elected members of the Parliament need to get out of the campaign mode and party politics and drive their focus towards nation building and uniting the fractured society into a vibrant citizenry with a common call of one nation, one people,” said Mr. Kamlesh Arya, the Media Relations Officer of the Sabha.

“The Sabha has always remained apolitical and yet has worked with the government of the day and looks forward to engaging with the Bainimarama government in all facets of governance to move Fiji forward nationally and internationally”, Mr. Arya said.

The Sabha is conscious of the fact that Fijians have a mammoth task ahead under the new Fiji Constitution under a common identity and equal citizenry and the Sabha will continue working towards enhancing racial and religious tolerance, promoting sustainable common goals for the good of all Fijians, he said.

“The Sabha as a member of the National Council for Building a Better Fiji is party to the Formulation of the Peoples’ Charter for Change, Peace and Progress and keenly looks forward to the Bainimarama Government and the members of the Opposition to upholding and promoting the values and the visions that the Pillars of the Charter call for,” stated Mr. Arya.

“The Sabha is confident that fifty member Parliament will in the next four years deliver to the expectations and aspirations of all Fijians and work towards building a harmonious and peaceful Fiji”, said Mr. Arya.