The Public Service Commission is being restructured and reorganised in accordance with the 2013 Constitution.

This basically means that the role and functions of the Public Service Commission have changed.

The other changes to the restructured Public Service Commission include intensive monitoring of the Permanent Secretaries performances; enhance focus on research and advisory role, as well as heighten and focus on service excellence delivery.

Furthermore the restructured PSC will exist in boosting workforce development across the civil service through its Training and Workforce Development Division.

In addition it will strengthen the capacity of the Fiji Volunteer Service Scheme as well as the Office Accommodation and Government Housing units given the increased roles in both these areas.

An additional role that the Public Service Commission will undertake is that of the hub for knowledge management and sharing. In line with this a customised public service library to be set up in Carnarvon Street (formerly occupied by the PSC Scholarships).

These changes would mean the retention of the five (5) Divisional Heads with re-titling of positions, and these are Performance Management, Policy Research and Advisory, Workforce Development, Office Accommodation and Corporate Services.

These changes to the structure of Public Service Commission was endorsed by the Commission on 30th January 2014 and concurred by the Prime Minister and Minister for Public Service Commission on the 4th of this month.

In relaying the restructure and changes to the staff the Permanent Secretary for Public Service Commission, Mr. Parmesh Chand, stated that the Public Service Commission is being positioned to meet the evolving and strategic needs of the Public Service for now and in the future. Mr Chand went on to elaborate that this will allow the  Public Service Commission to focus more on recruitment and retention of the best and brightest to lead the Public Service, bring about continuous improvement in frameworks and guidelines to improve service delivery and ongoing training in key areas to improve efficiencies and  delivery.