

Health professionals have been commended for tackling women’s health issues in the Pacific and discussing on areas of reproductive health.


His Excellency, President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau  said that women’s health remains vital while opening the 11th Pacific Society for Reproductive Health (PSRH) conference at the University of the South Pacific’s Japan ICT Centre yesterday.


“I am glad to know that you are tackling important area of promoting family life. The integrity of the family life is vital. This subject must be pursued with vigor. Life in the Pacific is changing and lifestyle behaviors are threatening the health of our people,” President said.


Ratu Epeli said the surge of non-communicable diseases continues to grow and is challenging our health systems. He said cervical cancers which are preventable are killing the women of the Pacific.


“You are using your networks for professional development of your members, linking scientific research and theories with clinical practices and experiences. This in turn contributes to the significant improvement of issues like women’s health. You also encourage on-going research within key areas in the Pacific so that data is available to inform policy decisions.”


“I am informed that you already had workshops in eight critical areas of your profession and have been assisted by international faculty from the UK, Australia and New Zealand and that many of your faculty include former citizens of Fiji.


The conference also included a launch of the ‘Pacific Journal for Reproductive Health’ and the ‘Pacific Emergency and Neonatal Training Manual’.


The conference brought together 400 participants consisting of nurses, doctors, obstetricians and gynecologists from the Pacific Island countries as well as Australia and New Zealand.


It covered important areas such as family planning, emergencies and obstetrics and neonatology, ultrasound avoiding surgical complications and research and discussed key issues on strengthening family life, empowerment of women in reproductive health as well as the need to up skill professionals in areas of women’s health through training sessions.