Police Update- 30th March 2013

1. Update Vatukoula robbery

Police have arrested all the 7 suspects who were involved in a robbery at Toko, Vatukola.

Three of the suspects were interviewed and released while four are kept in custody.

2. Escapee

15 year old Alumeci Uluivuya, of Nawaka, Nadi and 16 year old Rachna Gounder of Makoi both State witnesses  escaped from Mahaffy Girls Home, Domain by climbing over the back fence.

Police is requesting for information on these two escapees.

3. Impersonation

Police have arrested a 20 year old welder of Martintar, Nadi who when was confronted and questioned by two police officers flashed out a police pouch with badge and stated that he was a police officer.

Upon enquiry it was found that he was not a police officer, he is charged with impersonation and will appear at Lautoka Magistrate court on 2/4/13.

4. Drugs

Police have arrested a 34year old businessman of VM Pillay Road, Rifle Range, Lautoka for being in possession of dried leaves wrapped in aluminum foil believed to be marijuana.

The suspect is interviewed and released awaiting analysis report.

5. Arson

Police have arrested a 28 year old laborer of Garampani Tavua for setting fire to the kitchen shed of 37year laborer.

Fire was put off by family members, the estimated cost of damage $200.00.

Suspect kept in custody for interrogation.

  1.  Assault


In Northern division arrested a 34year old, farmer of Natuvu Settlement, Wailevu who assaulted a 27year old with an iron rod during a drinking party.


The victim received injuries on his forehead and now admitted at Savusavu Hospital under observation.


The suspect is kept in custody for interrogation.



  1. Drowning


A 55year old farmer of Naivolivoli Settlement, Taveuni drowned yesterday while fishing.


The body now at Taveuni Hospital mortuary waiting post mortem.



  1. A 21year old laborer of Nukuloa, Ba whilst doing maintenance work accidently fell from the second floor which is approximately 15ft in height.


He was conveyed to Ba Mission Hospital and later conveyed to Lautoka Hospital and admitted at Intensive Care Unit in critical condition under life support.

Press Release