Police news:12.1.15


Operation Sasamaki commences

The Operation Sasamaki team continues to conduct investigations to ascertain the owners of farms that were raided last week.

Chief Operations Officer Rusiate Tudravu says officers who are part of the Operation team are working with the Crime Prevention Committees to establish the owners of a few farms where the plants believed to be marijuana were uprooted.

As earlier indicated the Fiji Police Force is serious about the war on drugs and has dedicated the month of January to eradicating the cultivation and sale of drugs.

We continue to be appreciative of the partnership forged between members of the public and the Fiji Police Force which has resulted in the success of Operation Sasamaki in parts of the Northern Division last week.

Operation Sasamaki will move to other parts of the country soon.

Taxi driver escapes death

A 32 year old taxi driver of Makosoi Place, Pacific Harbour sustained burns when his home was completely destroyed in a fire yesterday.

The incident occurred at about 3.40pm where by the victim who was at home with his family noticed smoke coming out from their bedroom. The victim’s sister and 3 year old son managed to escape unharmed, however the victim had to be assisted by neighbors after he was injured whilst trying to get to safety.

The victim sustained burns and is now admitted at the CWM Hospital.

The cause of fire is not known as investigations continue.