Police concerned with high suicide rate

The Fiji Police Force is once again expressing its concern with the increase in attempted suicide and suicide cases.

On average we receive a case of each on a daily basis from the five policing divisions of Central, Western, Southern, Eastern and Northern divisions. Of these cases majority result from family disagreements and relationship problems.

To date more than 60 attempted suicide cases have been reported throughout the divisions and more than 50 suicide cases with the Western Division recording the highest numbers.

Too many lives are being lost as a result of issues that can be solved through dialogue and mutual understanding. What’s of more concern is that in some cases a person has more than once tried to take their own life because of a recurring problem.

What is also of great concern is that young people in their teens are also resorting to such actions which they feel is the only way to solve their problems.

We are therefore advising people to show more understanding towards one another and be mindful of the fact that people are different and will handle problems differently.


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