The steps leading towards Fiji’s elections in 2014 has been commended by one of the Fiji’s largest neighbour, Papua New Guinea.

 Last night PNG’s Prime Minister Honourable Peter O’Neill pointed out to his Fijian counterpart Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama that PNG is following with interest the events taking place in the country.

 “We are satisfied Prime Minister with the progress your government is making in putting together the necessary mechanisms and processes for the Fijian elections in 2014”, Prime Minister O’Neill said.

 “Papua New Guinea of course as your Melanesian brother is committed towards supporting Fiji in providing electoral, technical and administrative support leading up to the elections”.

 Prime Minister Bainimarama updated his PNG counterpart on the current process involving Fiji’s draft constitution including public discussions which will now expire on the 30th of April (2013).

 “As you know, we are currently holding public discussions throughout the country on the new Draft Constitution. It provides for a common and equal citizenry, an accountable and efficient Parliament and civil service, the protection of fundamental rights, and an election for parliamentary democracy on the basis of one person, onevote, one value for the first time in our history by 30th September 2014”, PM Bainimarama said.

 We are building a new Fiji, a better Fiji – one that finally puts to rest the divisions of the past and lays the foundation for lasting stability and prosperity. And we are seeking to further enhance our international relationships, not the least with our long standing friends in Papua New Guinea.

 Meanwhile PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill urged for Fiji’s nomination to the post of Director General for the Pacific’s African Caribbean Pacific (PACP) Secretariat which will be hosted by Papua New Guinea. The establishment of a secretariat for the PACP follows the successful outcome of the PACP meet in PNG last year that resulted in Fiji’s reinclusion in all PACP talks.