PICPA Workshop in Niue on Public Policy Analysis and Advice for senior managers in the Public Service from 10 to 14 June 2013

Following a successful workshop in Nauru from 4 to 6 June 2013, PICPA advisors Dr Desmond Amosa and Dr Fononga Mangisimafileo travelled on to Niue to conduct a similar in country workshop on Public Policy Analysis and Advice for senior managers from 10 to 14 June 2013.

They were assisted by a Consultant in situ, Ms Esther Pavihi, a former Commissioner of the Niue Public Service and a former Member of the Niue Legislative Assembly.

The workshop which was attended by over 30 public servants was opened by the Premier of Niue, the Honourable Toke Talagi.

As testament to the commitment by key public servants on the priority to educate and up skill its workforce to remain vigilant in the work that they do as public servants, this workshop was attended by all three Commissioners of the Public Service, the Secretary to Government and a Member of Parliament alongside public servants from line ministries.

The average ”years in service” of the participants at the workshop was around 30 years, so this workshop comprised of over 1000 years of experience in the public service. This was evident in the level of participation and interaction during discussions and group work on selected case studies.

“I found the workshop worthwhile mainly for me to learn new ideas about the processes involved in developing policies and how these policies are applied to different audience by the policy makers. One important aspect is to have a proper communication strategy in place so that those who are guided (or affected) by policies fully understand and comply. It is essential that future workshops should be conducted other topics and I am more than happy to participate again. Overall the workshop was well conducted by the consultants from PICPA which encourages interactive discussions with the participants.” Mr Manila Nosa – Director of the Health

PICPA is a joint initiative between the University of the South Pacific (USP) and the Australian Government. It is designed to respond to the needs and plans identified by 14 Pacific Island Countries (PICs) for strengthened public administration to enable improved service delivery to their people and foster economic growth.