PICPA Workshop in Nauru on Public Policy Analysis and Advice for senior managers in the Public Service in 3 to 6 June 2013

The Pacific Island Centre for Public Administration (PICPA), in partnership with the Government of Nauru, conducted an in-country workshop on Public Policy Analysis and Advice for senior managers from 3 to 6 June 2013.

The main aim of the workshop is to refresh and develop the skills and behaviours of policy analysts towards the adoption of systematic and flexible approaches to policy analysis and advice.

The workshop was conducted by Dr Desmond Amosa and Dr Fononga Mangisimafileo, PICPA Advisors in Capacity Development and Training and Media and Communications respectively. They were assisted by local facilitator Mr Maritino Nemani.

PICPA is a joint initiative between the University of the South Pacific (USP) and the Australian Government. It is designed to respond to the needs and plans identified by 14 Pacific Island Countries (PICs) for strengthened public administration to enable improved service delivery to their people and foster economic growth.