1. FIJIAN PRESIDENT LEADS NATIONAL HEALTH WALK – His Excellency the President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau led a morning walk organised by the Westpac Bank as part of efforts to encourage healthy lifestyles amongst Fijians.


  1. FIJI TO HOST MINISTERIAL ENERGY AND TRANSPORT MEET – The Fijian Government is hosting the 2014 Pacific Regional Energy and Transport (Aviation and Maritime) Ministers meeting in Nadi next week.


  1. FIJIANS REMINDED ON IMPORTANCE OF CLEANLINESS IN ANTI-DENGUE CAMPAIGN – The close of Fiji’s “National Clean Up Campaign” has proven a success with dengue fever hot spots recording a reduction in cases.


  1. MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE VISITS STAKEHOLDERS IN THE WEST – Fiji’s Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests Mr Inia Seruiratu visited various stakeholders in the Western Division this week.



His Excellency the President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau led a morning walk organised by the Westpac Bank as part of efforts to encourage healthy lifestyle amongst Fijians.

His Excellency led the morning walk in Suva today and was joined by close to 2000 people including officials representing various organisations such as the Ministry of Health, the Westpac Bank and the Fiji Physiotherapy Association.

Association president, Usha Krishna, said the morning walk was to kick start the year for people who wanted to do some form of exercise but do not know how.

“This is to raise awareness on the need to carry out some form of physical activity and also to help combat non-communicable diseases because there are many people in Fiji suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure,” she said.

Ms Krishna said people in Fiji were now also leaning towards healthy eating as they realise that physical activity does not work on its own but needs to be backed by the right nutrients and a proper sleeping pattern.

Fifty one year mother of three, Verenaisi Dokomuavalu of Nasese, was happy with the free health checks provided before the walk and hopes to start her weight loss journey with the walk.

“I am a housewife and have not been able to do much exercise so I have put on weight which I hope to lose and this is a good way to start,” she said.

The walk started at Albert Park with health checks and a warm up session.

It was a good hour walk along Nasese and back to Albert Park where the participants were treated to a small healthy snack consisting of fruits and coconut water.

Police officers including the acting Commissioner of Police, Mr Ravi Narayan, joined the public in the walk which was similarly held in other parts of the country.





The Fijian Government is hosting the 2014 Pacific Regional Energy and Transport (Aviation and Maritime) Ministers meeting in Nadi next week.

The meeting which is being closely coordinated with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community will provide an opportunity for national transport authorities from the Pacific Islands region to discuss and enhance an understanding of regional transport issues and challenges.

Other related issues that will be discussed includes the promotion of co-operative approaches to the achievement of a safer, and efficient transport sector, and share best practices, resulting in a positive impact on commerce, recreation, tourism and economic development.

With the theme “Sustainable Energy and Transport Services for all Pacific Island States” organisers are adamant that this meeting will provide the platform for an exchange of ideas and experiences to improve both the energy and transport sector in the region.





The close of Fiji’s “National Clean Up Campaign” has proven a success with dengue fever hot spots recording a reduction in cases.

After cleaning up for four Saturdays, the campaign culminated today with 151 tonnes of containers or receptacles that might have been the breeding ground for dengue carrying mosquito collected by over 4700 participants.

Despite the close of this campaign, Fijians are still being reminded to continuously maintain clean surroundings to ensure that mosquitoes don’t breed in these areas.

The Public Service permanent secretary, Mr Parmesh Chand commended those that have taken part in the campaign.

“This is not the end because we are a tropical country and need to continue to be vigilant of dengue carrying mosquitoes.  It is only prudent that we continue our fight against it,” he said as he closed the campaign in Valelevu, Nasinu this morning.

The campaign was carried out in three divisions, namely, Central, Western and Northern where massive amount of waste was collected by the Government departments, non-government organisations, corporate bodies, community groups as well as individuals and families.

Nasinu has been the centre of the clean-up for the past two weeks as it has been identified as a hotspot due to its dense population.

Nasinu Town Council special administrator, Mr Mosese Kama, said residents of the municipality must manage their waste properly and support the council’s effort in its waste management programmes.

“Waste management is a big challenge and we are most appreciative that for the last two weeks this initiative has concentrated on Nasinu,” he said.

Their message, Mr Kama said, was simple- put your waste in the right place.





Fiji’s Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests Mr Inia Seruiratu visited various stakeholders in the Western Division this week.

The visit reinforces the Ministry’s commitment to engage with relevant stakeholders especially those from the private sector engaged in commercial farming.

This visit also saw the Minister meet with officials at Ben’s Trading in Navua which is an award winning exporting company responsible mainly for the exporting of rootcrops from Fiji.  The company is managed by Fijian couple Peni and Maria Moi.

As part of Government’s initiative, Ben’s Trading was assisted last year with the construction of a $400,000 warehouse which will be accomplished within the next two months.

Mr Seruiratu also visited the Sugar Research Institute of Fiji (SRIF) this week in Lautoka.