1. FIJIAN PRIME MINISTER RECEIVES ENVOY – Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama today received the special envoy to the China-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue, Ambassador Du Qwein.


  1. CULTURE SHOULD BE PRESERVED: PS EDUCATION – An i-Taukei ceremony of welcome that was recently presented by students of Nawaicoba Public School was commended by the Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture, Arts and Library Services.


  1. Fiji applauded for tobacco controlling efforts – Fiji’s efforts towards controlling tobacco use have been applauded by the umbrella international organization for health – the World Health Organisation.


  1. MINISTER APPLAUDS CULTURE PROGRAM – The Minister for Youth and Sports Mr Viliame Naupoto this morning applauded the Korean Embassy for organising an ‘Introduction to Korean Culture and Language Program’ at the Fiji Museum.



Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama today received the special envoy to the China-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue, Ambassador Du Qwein.

Ambassador Du acknowledged the role that Fiji’s plays in the Pacific region in his meeting with the head of government.

China’s special envoy to the China-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue was accompanied by Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Huang Yong.






4 Fiji applauded for tobacco controlling efforts

Fiji’s efforts towards controlling tobacco use have been applauded by the umbrella international organization for health – the World Health Organisation.

During the opening of the Western Pacific Regional Meeting on the Implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the Head of the Convention Secretariat Dr Haik Nikogosian said the efforts of a country of Fiji’s size was worth praise.

“Fiji became the first developing country and the 3rd signatory to the convention and this speaks volumes itself,” he said.

“The Pacific should be proud to have a leader like Fiji and the hosting of the 1st WHO FCTC meeting in Nadi is also a testimony of this. This gesture of the Government of Fiji reflects a strong commitment of the country to tobacco control and to the implementation of the WHO FCTC.”

The meeting which is attended by health experts the Asia Pacific region were also informed that of the six WHO regions, the Western Pacific Region has the greatest number of smokers and has the fastest increase in tobacco use uptake among women.

Dr Liu Yunguo, WHO representative to the South Pacific said statistics also reveal that the number of preventable premature deaths from smoking in the region was also one of the highest.

“In our region, it is estimated that more than 50% of men, women and children are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke at home and in public places,” Dr Yunguo said.

“All countries in our region have demonstrated commitment to tobacco control by ratifying or acceding to the WHO FCTC.”

“I am encouraged to know that Member States in the Region have intensified their tobacco In the Pacific, where NCDs have been declared a crisis, health leaders have agreed on a collective goal of Tobacco-Free Pacific by 2025; thereby calling for a scaling up of these tobacco control efforts,” Dr Yunguo






The Minister for Youth and Sports Mr Viliame Naupoto this morning applauded the Korean Embassy for organising an ‘Introduction to Korean Culture and Language Program’ at the Fiji Museum.

“Such cultural initiatives will expose Fijian students to appreciate the Korean culture and provide them with the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of our diverse universe,” said Mr Naupoto.

“The program will assist participating students to develop positive relationships with other races and cultures, understand a broader range of perspectives, and develop the knowledge, skills and tolerance needed for participation in our multicultural society.”

Minister Naupoto added that an understanding of other cultures and languages is essential and offer great opportunity for employment and progress.

“Developments around the world cannot exclude “cultural exchange or exchange of ideas” for development cannot be accomplished without it which has, in recent decades, boomed on an unprecedented scale,” he added.

Korean Ambassador His Excellency Mr Seong-in Kim said; “This is the second year we are running this program because of the demand from schools and members of the public.”

“Korea and Fiji formalised relations way back in 1971 and we are hoping that this program will help Fijians learn more of our rich heritage.”

“The program is aimed at helping students appreciate and understand more of the Korean culture,” His Excellency Mr Kim said.

The three-day will program which begins this morning involve learning the Korean culture, music, language and Taekwondo.