CAPTION: Nazhat Shameem in this file photo.

With the vision to rejuvenate and adopt a consolidated effort to eliminate all forms of violence against women and children in the country, the Ministry of Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation launched the Goodwill Ambassador for Women in Fiji.

The Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni named Fiji’s very first Goodwill Ambassador for Women, Ms Nazhat Shameem.

“Nazhat Shameem needs no introduction. Her sterling reputation and credibility in the legal fraternity as the first female (DPP) Director of Public Prosecutions and first female High Court judge and her work in the area of an enabling legal environment for women’s human rights makes her a competent authority on an enabling environment for women in Fiji. Her passion and willingness to rise up to the challenges of the country and her leadership skills makes her the ideal ambassador for women in Fiji,” she said.

Dr Luveni said this is an enterprising initiative and will greatly complement the Ministry’s role to advance the gender equality and elimination of violence against women and girls.

“Shameem is highly respected for her work in women’s empowerment, it will enable her to use her position of influence to garner support and public interest in and debate around issues that affect and impact on women’s lives. She will also share her skills, expertise and time to advance the cause of gender equality and elimination of all forms of violence against women and children. She will also be nominated from the state onto international bodies that work in the area of women and gender equality,” she added.

One of the first official duties in her role as Goodwill Ambassador, Ms Shameem will launch M-Women initiative tomorrow (Thursday 7th March 2013) to mark the International Women’s Day 2013.

“M-Women is a Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation initiative in partnership with my Ministry to develop a platform to exploit the use of mobile technology to respond to questions, issues and challenges women and children in Fiji can
access at the touch of a few buttons on a mobile phone.

“I thank Madam Shameem for her accepting our request to take on this voluntary role and I wish her every success as she takes up this role at a time when issues of violence against our women and children are prevalent. My ministry stands ready to support her administratively,” the Minister for women reiterated.