CAPTION: Students at Delainakaikai Primary School during their reading time today.

The Minister for Education, Filipe Bole has called on students around the country to develop a culture of reading to commemorate World Book Day celebrations.

“UNESCO has declared the 7th of March as the world Book Day for a purpose. The world book Day is an event to pay a universal mark of respect to books and authors and also to persuade people to find out the enjoyment of reading. I therefore urge all students all over Fiji to get into the habit of reading. School Principals and head teachers must create a culture of reading in their respective schools. Children who read succeed,” Minister Bole said.

“It is very important to have a school library or even a class library where students can access books. Some students may not have the luxury of having reading books at home so I urge class teachers to make reading materials available to students. Reading widens students’ knowledge; it enriches their vocabulary; improves their concentration, memory, creativity, discipline and builds self – esteem”.

The Minister is calling for support from parents, guardians, teachers to create a culture of reading in schools and at home.

“We need the collective support of parents, guardians and teachers in creating a culture of reading in schools and at home,” concluded Ambassador Bole.

Schools will have their own programme in the celebration of the world book day.

The Ministry of Information, National Archives and Library Services has organised a celebration at Rampur Primary School where 10 schools are expected to participate.

Ministry for Education permanent secretary Dr Brij Lal will address the children at the celebration with the plea for schools to have a DEAR programme- Drop Everything and Read.