


The Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon. Jone Usamate today visited the TISI Sangam School of Nursing and acknowledged the partnership of the school with government in terms of educating more nurses for the country.
“I am impressed with the midwifery models and the capabilities of this school to cater for more nurses for our country,” Minister Usamate said.
Minister Usamate said the midwifery models by the institution allows the students to understand working with real life situations.
“It is very good, the school intends to raise the competency of these student nurses as they are experimenting on models.”


The Health Minister also acknowledged the school for investing in the training of nurses.
“The organisations investment will have a positive impact on the people, the students and when they graduate they are already well versed with their profession.”
Mr Usamate said he looked forward to more partnership with the school in producing more and better nurses for Fiji.
Mr Usamate added that in the next five years the Ministry will work on increasing the number of nurses in Fiji.
“But with this we must have quality staff who know what their work is and are passionate about the work they do,” Usamate added.