Michel Helps the Vakatatalo Group at Dratabu Village

Caption: Michel and Timaima Taliga (Head of Dratabu Women’s Club). Photo: SUPPLIED


Projects Abroad Fiji Volunteer Michel Mooring donated $1,500 worth of materials to the Vakatatalo (Playhouse) Group at Dratabu Village.  The Vakatatalo Group is an initiative set-up by the women’s club of Dratabu village to cater for children who are 4 years and under.

Present at the blessing ceremony were 12 children who attend the Vakatatalo Group

“I actually fundraised for the money in order to do something extra during my volunteer work here in Fiji.  So I searched for a worthwhile project where I could put my money to use and I came across the Vakatatalo project in Dratabu village,” he said.


Michel Mooring Projects Abroad Volunteer.

The women of the village had set a goal to have a vakatatalo building to cater for children who stay at home when the older children got to school and parents go to work.

Today, that goal has been accomplished and there was a blessing ceremony held at the Dratabu village to bless the building. Mr.Mooring provided tables, chairs, lino, rugs, sand for the sand pit and even a toilet to cater for the children’s needs.

“I managed to purchase tables, chairs, lino, rugs, sand for the sand pit, and most importantly the toilet materials.  They really needed a toilet for the children,” he added.

“Today, we had the blessing ceremony and a pastor was present to bless the building.  It was an emotional time for the women and everyone present during the ceremony.  It was just emotional for me to see how they have been touched by the little donation I gave,” he shared.

It was equally an emotional experience for the local village women as they acknowledged the kind assistance provided by Mr.Mooring and Projects Abroad Fiji.