Mexico 2014: Sharing the Pacific Experience of Effective Development Cooperation

The Pacific delegates to the First High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, held in Mexico last week, showcased the region’s experience of development effectiveness.

“Meetings such as this one in Mexico, are important so we can share what the Pacific is doing and understand what else is happening in the world,” said Hon Connelly Sandakabatu, Minister for Development Planning and Aid Coordination in the Solomon Islands, who attended the meeting. “Development effectiveness is critical and political leaders need to engage. The region has made major strides since the Busan meeting two years ago.”

“Building on the 2009 Forum Compact, the Pacific has much to share with the global community on how we are learning together to build better government systems to plan, budget, deliver and manage development programmes. In my country, a small island developing state which faces many challenges, we had a peer review led by representatives from Vanuatu, Samoa, PNG and the UN System. This practical assistance is helping to identify concrete steps to improve our use of funds, and get development partners working according to our needs.”

The Minister added that the Solomon Islands had good examples of better donor coordination, including the Core Economic Working Group, which was making a difference.

The First High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation was held in Mexico City from 15-16 April.

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