A 60 member contingent from Suva will arrive in Kadavu on Tuesday 23 July to begin a three day tour of the island. The tour is a financial inclusion and rural development initiative, aimed to raise awareness on the various financial services and programs available and to highlight the importance of financial literacy for personal and community well-being. The Reserve Bank of Fiji is leading the contingent and will be accompanied by representatives from some Government Ministries and financial services providers like the commercial banks, credit institutions and insurance providers. The contingent will host three one-day expos in the following locations on Kadavu.

DATE                                                         LOCATION

Wednesday – 24 July 2013                 Kavala Village Ground

Thursday – 25 July 2013                     Namalata District School Ground

Friday – 26 July 2013                         Daviqele Village Ground

The RBF has organised 13 Expositions around Fiji over the past three years as part of efforts towards building inclusive financial sectors for development. This is part of the national plans to support the micro, small and medium enterprise sector and assist those in rural areas to access services and programs that can support sustainable livelihoods and address poverty.

The Governor, Barry Whiteside, said “access to financial services is a key element towards improving the livelihoods of the poor and the unbanked in our communities. These expos provide an opportunity for the people in Kadavu to hear directly from service providers, such as banks, microfinance organisations, government departments and other financial institutions, on how they can save, manage their finances and start a business.”

The one day expos will include displays by the various stakeholders with organised sessions on microfinance, small to medium enterprises and financial literacy. Schools and villagers nearby are encouraged to be there as the expos have something for everyone. A special attraction that will be popular with the children and the young at heart will be “Vuli”, the financial literacy turtle mascot, who will make a special appearance at the expos.