Israel Delegation visits USP

CAPTION: USP Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching and Student Services), Professor Susan Kelly with His Excellency, Ambassador, Effie Ben-Matityau and Israel’s Regional Counsellor to the Pacific Islands, Mr Jonathon Zadka.

The Director of International Development Projects & Public Private Partnership (PPP), with the Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV), Ambassador Effie Ben-Matityau, paid a courtesy visit to the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus in Suva, on Monday 24 June, 2013.

The purpose of the courtesy visit was to exchange views on how the University could establish links and develop further cooperation between the University and Israel.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching and Student Services), Professor Susan Kelly, in welcoming the delegation, expressed her appreciation for the visit, and thanked the delegation for their interest in USP and their work in the region.

She said the visit has given the University a great boost in realising that the University’s achievements are not only recognised regionally, but at a global level.

Professor Kelly also mentioned the Memorandum of Understanding the University had signed with Israel in December 2012, which was designed to assist in development in the region and to foster a friendly relationship through technical cooperation, training and capacity building programmes between MASHAV and the University.

She thanked the Ambassador for the opportunity to foster a strong partnership with both the university and the region. Professor Kelly said the University welcomes future opportunities to work closely with MASHAV and Israel on projects or programmes that will benefit the region.

She acknowledged the large industrial and labour base of Israel and stated that with most of USP member countries reliant on aid from traditional development partners, collaboration with MASHAV will help build capacity of the region.

She mentioned that work under this collaboration is already underway with MASHAV working with USP’s Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA) based in Apia, Samoa. A USP-Israel Poultry Production Course has been successfully facilitated through Israel’s technical assistance.

Discussions between the Israeli delegation and the University were focused on Israel’s new initiative on water security. The Ambassador mentioned Israel’s interest in furthering the promotion of sustainable development through ensuring water security, through its water resources management and disaster relief policies.

Professor Kelly noted that this was indeed an important area of great interest to the university, and identified that the University was looking forward to working with the Government of Israel in addressing this issue.

The Ambassador also acknowledged and commended the efforts of the University through its Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment, in identifying and developing research in the area.

Professor Kelly also thanked the Israel delegation for bringing in a language specialist DrGhi’ladZuckermann, an internationally acclaimed academic, to deliver a special lecture at the University on the revival of languages.

Professor Kelly mentioned that the University is looking forward to working closely with MASHAV and establishing a strong relationship in developing capacity in the region.