Interfaith-forum at Nevada newspaper completes 2 years & launches website

“Faith Forum”, a highly popular one-of-a-kind weekly dialogue on religion at a Pulitzer winner Gannett publication in Nevada, completed two years and “Nevada Faith Forum” website was launched on February five.

Purpose of the website is to take the message of interfaith dialogue and harmony, initiated by “Faith Forum”, further to the global audience.

Sparks Mayor Geno R. Martini clicked to launch the website at Reno Gazette-Journal (RGJ) conference hall in Reno (Nevada, USA).

Besides Martini, RGJ Publisher John Maher, RGJ Executive Editor Beryl Love, “Faith Forum Coordinator” Rajan Zed, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Chancellor Brother Matthew Cunningham, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Area Public Affairs Director Nicholas F. Frey, Reno Buddhist Center Priest Reverend Jikai’ Phil Bryan, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church elder George Anastassatos, also spoke on the occasion.

Northern Nevada Muslim Community (NNMC) has developed this website and has promised to maintain it with the help of various faith communities of the region. NNMC President Dr. Sherif A. Elfass explained at the launch how this website would further the cause of interfaith harmony in the region and the world.

Rajan Zed, distinguished religious statesman and President of Universal Society of Hinduism, who has been bestowed with “World Interfaith Leader Award”, leads a panel of leaders of various religions and denominations to produce this weekly discussion Forum, involving important religious issues affecting the area-country-world. Panelists currently include: Cunningham, Dr. Stephen Bond (Christian Church), Father Stephen Karcher (Greek Orthodox), Frey, Elfass, Bryan, Rabbi ElizaBeth W. Beyer (Jewish), Dr. Bradley S. Corbin (Baha’i), Dr. Kenneth G. Lucey (religion professor), Monique Jacobs (Roman Catholic) and Sharla S. Hales (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

Love says that this Forum is a model on how to engage the community on a subject matter that touches their daily lives and hearts. Zed points out: This widely read column is for constructive dialogue and this dialogue effort has brought more mutual understanding and trust and loyalty in the community.

RGJ, whose traces go back to 1870 and which has been recognized for its journalistic excellence, is one of the leading newspapers of Nevada and produces various other print and online publications also. McLean (Virginia, USA) headquartered Gannett is an international media and marketing solutions company headed by Gracia C. Martore.

Press Release