India’s Rape Records Keep Rising


India’s crime records have revealed that the country’s commercial capital, Mumbai witnessed 647 rape and 1,877 molestation cases in the last three years.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 1,781 incidents of crime against women in Mumbai in 2012 which include 234 rapes, 614 incidents of assault on women with the intent to outrage her modesty and 235 incidents of insult to the modesty of women.

Bollywood’s Superstar Amitabh Bachan has raised concerns as to know why was this increasing, after he twittered saying that” it’s a shame that India has such a figure of sexual offences”.

Meanwhile, all five accused in the brutal gang-rape of a young photojournalist in the Mumbai have been arrested, three days after the incident triggered outrage across the country.

Story: India