Human Rights: Fiji UPRCSO Group Going Forward


Caption: Representatives of Fiji UPRCSO Group in Suva today. Photo: SUPPLIED.

The Fiji Universal Periodic Review Civil Society Organisation Working Group had a meeting in Suva today to reflect on the 2014 Universal Periodic Review process and recently March 18th 2015 CSO Statement to Geneva and develop its plan for the next four years.

The members of the Fiji UPR CSO Working Group consist of 16 organizations working on the Human Rights issues in Fiji. Those that were present at today’s session includes Citizens’ Constitutional Forum, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, Fiji Media Watch, Pacific Dialogue, Fiji Disabled People’s Federation, Rainbow Pride Foundation, and Haus of Khameleon .

The planning meeting led to a synthesis of roles and responsibilities of the members of the CSO Working Group in monitoring the implementation of the 2014 UPR recommendations. The Working Group looks forward to working collaboratively with Government to ensure that there is full realization of human rights in Fiji. One such collaboration could be to have interactive dialogues using peace building, consultative approaches on paving the way forward.

The event was organized by peer facilitators from the Citizens’ Constitutional Forum and the Fiji Media Watch.

For further information or question contact CCF’s Communications Officer on 679-3308379 or email