Caption: years’ experience in event organizing. As the executive secretary of the Hibiscus Events Group, she was the key figure behind Hibiscus festivals in Suva. Photo: SUPPLIED.

As part of ongoing initiatives by the Fiji National University to develop and harness untapped potential across Fiji‟s rich and multi-faceted economic spectrum, an International Food Festival will be held in October on the University‟s Nadi Campus.

The International Food Festival will be a regular feature on the FNU calendar for the next eight years.

One of eight different themes will feature every year, as a way of helping focus attention on important aspects of our food culture, with this year‟s theme being „Oceans & Rivers‟. Next year‟s theme will be „Greens‟, followed by „Meats‟, then „Roots‟, etc.

The 2014 inaugural Festival will run from 13 to 19 October on FNU‟s Nadi Campus.

A variety of food items that have their origins in oceans and rivers will be selected by exhibitors/participants to be displayed, prepared as meals, and offered on sale at the Festival.

FNU Vice Chancellor, Dr Ganesh Chand said the University aimed to have participation from all the major food taste groups – starting with the Pacific, as well as European, Mediterranean, Caribbean, North American, South American, African, Middle Eastern, Russian and Asian. Sub taste-groups from these regions would also be invited.

“This initiative has the potential to become a major tourist attraction for Fiji, generating millions of dollars for the country, specifically for tourism plants and industry operators,” he said.

Dr Chand said the possible presence of worldwide television networks to cover this festival will add huge value to this event, and will provide Fiji with enormous benefits and exposure.

Newly appointed Events Organiser, Aqela Cakoubau said her priority was to kick start the inaugural event on a high note.

Ms Cakobau joins FNU with more than 10 years‟ experience in event organizing. As the executive secretary of the Hibiscus Events Group, she was the key figure behind Hibiscus festivals in Suva.

“Fiji and the Pacific are blessed to be surrounded by water and the abundant resources in our seas and fresh water provides delicious and mouth-watering dishes. The diverse cooking styles and recipes will be paramount in this festival – for everyone in attendance to experience the sights, sounds, taste and colours of the many ethnic societies represented at the event,” she said.

Ms Cakobau said she would really like to see the event become an annual event that tourists and locals look forward to be a part of.

The Food Festival will be held parallel with FNU‟s conference on Rivers and Oceans, scheduled from 14 to 19 October on Nadi Campus.