As the Fiji Crop and Livestock Council (FCLC) continues to grow, a membership drive is gaining momentum in the North through a road show organized by the Council’s Rachael Varea.

Ms. Varea is the Commodity Association Coordinator for the Council and a major responsibility is increasing FCLC membership.  She is presently visiting Savusavu, Labasa, and Bua through February 16 then moves on to Taveuni until the 21st. She is being supported in the workshops by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Fiji Sugar Corporation.

With its list of FCLC associations increasing that now encompass Beef, Sheep/Goat, Root Crop, Ginger, Kava, Honey, Fruit, Salad Vegetables, Coconut Growers, and Food Processors and recently added Cocoa, Rice and Dalo, potential member lists are now substantial.

“This is the first time the livestock and non-sugar crop farmers will have their own association and the response has been gratifying,” said Lavinia Kaumaitotoya, CEO of FCLC.

“We expect to officially launch the membership drive in March with a major campaign but we are aware of how important it is to personally reach out to as many of our farmers as possible to explain the importance of FCLC and how farmers will benefit by joining, and that is the reason for the ongoing road show.”

She said that it was important to note that the importance of FCLC is reflected in its funding partner EU, along with its implementing agency, the International Trade Centre (ITC), that has made a three-year commitment of financial support to FCLC under its IKSA project.

“This has ensured that we can effectively implement a number of programmes to help our commodity associations.” she concluded.