THE Environment Compliance Operation will be carried out in the district of Nadroga – Navosa in the second week of November from Monday 9th – Saturday 14th November, 2015. The operation adopts an integrated concept and will be executed in partners with all line government departments and regulatory authorities.

The successful operations carried in the district of Ba, Lautoka and Nadi in 2011 have prompted the Department of Environment (DOE) to shift their focus to the Nadroga – Navosa region.

All Business Facilities, Industries and hotels will be the centre focus of the operation and will be inspected for compliance to the waste disposal permit requirement, endangered and protected species licensing requirements and also compliance to the ozone depleting substances licensing requirements.

For business and commercial facilities those that do not have permits and/or licenses from Department of Environment under these three licensing requirements, a non-compliance notice will be issued and business and commercial facilities will be required to take the necessary steps to comply.

For those businesses and commercial facilities that do have one, the operations will be monitoring the conditions of your permits.

Minister for Local Government, Housing and Environment, Hon. Parveen Kumar Bala said businesses cannot operate without this permit. “All businesses facilities in the Nadroga/Navosa region from Momi till Korolevu including resorts along the coast and to the interior of Navosa will be inspected,” he said.

“Whatever we come across as of environmental concern which is non-compliance in nature will become looked at and that would need to be addressed.”

The Minister said while the centre of focus would be waste permit, other compliance to the Ozone Depleting Substance, Endangered and Protected Species (EPS) Act licensing system and compliance to environment impact assessment (EIA) approval conditions would also be carried out during these week long campaign.

“We have released approvals for the EIA but because of time constraints, monitoring of compliance to EIA Approval conditions were not carried out and they would be carried out during this integrated operation together with other line approving authorities.

“This is a positive integrated approach to protect and preserve our environment”.

We acknowledge the full support of the integrated government team in Nadroga / Navosa area which have come forward sharing its resources and personnel in forming taskforce team to execute the Environment Compliance Operation jointly with Department of Environment. This also creates an opportunity for our line government departments and regulatory authorities to carry out its respective role and monitoring whilst visiting business facilities.

“We are asking for the support of the businesses and we are also asking for the support of the people of Nadroga/Navosa and their assistance in helping us identify those areas that need to be addressed.”

The Sigatoka Town Council Chambers will be the main centre for the Operation and with the support of the Sigatoka Chambers of Commerce, flyers to raise awareness on the operation has been circulated to all business houses and facilities within the Nadroga Navosa district.