Embracing the changing landscape of the Fiji crops sector


November 20, 2015. Nadi, Fiji – The Fiji Crops Sector Forum Meeting will be held from 23-27 November, 2015 at the Tanoa International Hotel, in Nadi, Fiji, and will be opened by the Acting Permanent Secretary for Agriculture, Uraia Waibuta.

The Fiji Crops Sector Forum Meeting is a joint effort between the European Union (EU) -supported Pacific Agriculture Policy Project (PAPP), implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC), and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Fiji.

This collaboration will bring together MoA staff, farmers and farmers’ organisation representatives as well as other relevant stakeholders from the private sector, to work together in identifying the main constraints and potential strategies to take the sector forward.

The discussions will build on the Fiji 2020 Agriculture Sector Policy Agenda, which sets an inclusive development framework for Fiji’s agriculture economy by addressing emerging domestic and global challenges, including food and nutrition security and climate change.

The Fiji 2020 Agriculture Sector Policy Agenda itself complements the National Green Growth Framework, which seeks to pursue sustainable development with an inclusive approach towards modernising Fiji’s Agriculture Sector by 2020.

Key objectives of the forum include the development of industry plans for priority crops and the identification of potential funding sources for the new industry plans.

The expected outcomes will focus on several priority areas, such as the development of agro-based industries, promotion of crop industries (ensuring competitiveness in the export market) and strengthening of local crop industries through investment in research and development and improved productivity.

These Crop Industry Plans will set the roadmap for the active development of a range of export-oriented, import substitution and food security-focused crops within Fiji.