Digicel Offers ‘Free after 3’ SMS


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” –  Steve Jobs

A historical moment was marked in the mobile industry market last week after the introduction by Digicel Fiji of the first ever cross-network promotion in the country.

Digicel Fiji’s ‘Free after 3’ SMS offer is a new plan under ‘Uncovering Fiji’s best offers’ deal for its prepaid customers that was introduced in the market last week.

 “We are always looking to expand our portfolio of innovative competitive pricing and services that are expected to attract new customers and provide excellent value to our existing customers,” said Digicel Fiji’s head of products, Ms. Keshni Devi.

‘Free after 3’ SMS offer is available when a customer sends 3 local text messages and then receives the next 30 local SMS’s free across any network.

Ms. Devi added that a Digicel Fiji customer can spend 45 cents and send 33 SMS’s, this is equal to just over a cent per SMS.

Meanwhile, the ‘free after 3’ SMS offer is a limited time offer with Digicel Fiji committed to uncover more best offers in the near future to provide value for their customers.