1. GOVERNMENT LAUDS LOCAL INVESTOR –Government today showed its gratitude to Vinod Patel which continues to expand its business in Fiji.
  2. LAGI DUPLEX QUARTERS IN MACUATA FOR NURSES AND DOCTORS –Nurses and doctors can now enjoy the comfort of a new home as their request  for better staff quarters in Lagi Health Centre in the Northern Division has come to end.





Government today showed its gratitude to Vinod Patel which continues to expand its business in Fiji.

The Honorable Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation Rosy Akbar during the opening of the company’s Home and Living department in Sigatoka said Government’s investment friendly policies are aimed towards achieving a positive economic growth for the country.

“The expansion of the services by the Home and Living department marks an opportunity that benefits the people of Nadroga. Enhancing the empowerment of women, children and the disadvantaged. Today’s opening is a landmark towards creating employment opportunities for them,” Ms Akbar said.

“This also boosts the economic growth and confidence for the people of Nadroga. It creates a pathway towards achieving a better Fiji for all and likewise towards alleviating poverty.”

The Sigatoka branch is the fifth store of the Home and Living Department opened in the last 12 months.

Ms Akbar said such investments promote the ministry’s poverty alleviating program which is continuously working towards the objective of graduating social welfare recipients from “Welfare” to “Workfare”.


“In order to improve the position of the Fijian people and their access to social services, justice and gender equality, the Fijian Government through the Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation was fortunate to be assisted by the Government of Japan approximately worth of USD$2.7 million dollars,” Hon. Akbar said.
“I thank the Vinod Patel Group for continuously investing in our local economy. The company has stood firm on its vision and has continually strived for excellence. Today the company has excelled to be a household name in hardware and now diversifying in other products such as home and living and I take this opportunity to congratulate the directors, management and staff in taking the company forward and opening a Home and Living branch in Sigatoka.”





Nurses and doctors can now enjoy the comfort of a new home as their request  for better staff quarters in Lagi Health Centre in the Northern Division has come to end.

Today marked another milestone achievement for the Commissioner Northern’s Office  as the Lagi Health Centre Duplex Quarters of $368,177.00 was officially opened by the honourable Assistant  Minister for Health and Medical Services Veena Bhatnagar.

At her opening speech the assistant minister acknowledged the hard work and contribution of the Commissioner’s office that sourced the necessary funding.

“It has been over five decades that Lagi has had only two staff quarters, one for the doctor and one for the nurse,” Ms Bhatnagar said.

She said that government through their ministry has made inroads and paid special attention to ensuring that the welfare of its staff is given due priority.

“The Ministry believes that staffs working out in remote, rural and maritime stations as this should be provided good support and enhance their livelihood, making their lives easier,” she added.

She said accommodation in most rural settings is always a major challenge and Lagi should be very proud of the new development.

“These quarters will now allow for two nurses and their families to be posted to this facility hence it will allow for increased staff numbers who will be able to serve the people better,” Ms Bhatnagar said.


She added that the new accommodation would now mean that the dilemma that supervisors face in trying to secure a nurse couple in Lagi will now be a thing of the past.

Press Release