1. PRIME MINISTER CONGRATULATES TUVALU COUNTERPART ON ELECTORAL WIN – The Prime Minister Hon. Voreqe Bainimarama has congratulated Tuvalu’s Prime Minister Hon Enele Sopoaga on his re-election as the Head of Government for Tuvalu.

2. Health Counterparts Sign MOU: Strengthen Bilateral Ties – A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed today between the Fijian Ministry of Health and the People’s Republic of China Health Ministry aims to strengthen the two countries’ bilateral ties.

3. pacific health ministers arrive in fiji for regional meet
– Health Ministers from across the region have started arriving in Fiji for the 11th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting.

4. MUNICIPAL MARKET VISIT TO IMPROVE WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WOMEN – The Ministry of Women recently toured municipal markets, beginning in Suva, to see how they could improve the working conditions of the women working in these markets.


The Prime Minister Hon. Voreqe Bainimarama has congratulated Tuvalu’s Prime Minister Hon Enele Sopoaga on his re-election as the Head of Government for Tuvalu.

In his message, Prime Minister Bainimarama assured his Tuvaluan counterpart of Fiji’s continued staunch friendship. The Fijian Prime Minister said that this friendship will continue to see Fiji stand with Tuvalu on the challenges it faces such as the impact of climate change.

“Every Fijian joins me in wishing you and the members of your new Government success as you carry out your agenda for the benefit of the people of Tuvalu and our mutual interests as Pacific neighbours,” the Head of Fijian Government said.

“We have had a long friendship as nations over many years and I look forward to working with you in the months and years ahead to strengthen that relationship and our bilateral ties.”

Prime Minister Bainimarama said the people of the two nations inhabited the same ocean and shared the same destiny.

“So we pray for you and your nation and ask for God’s blessing on the people of Tuvalu and Fiji as we strive for a better future together,” he said.

2 Health Counterparts Sign MOU: Strengthen Bilateral Ties

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed today between the Fijian Ministry of Health and the People’s Republic of China Health Ministry aims to strengthen the two countries’ bilateral ties.

At the signing, the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Hon. Jone Usamate highlighted China’s contribution towards boosting Fiji’s medical sector including health infrastructure in rural communities.

“Fiji and China have experienced tremendous growth in excess of four percent for more than three years and consecutive growth for at least five years,” Minister Usamate said.

“The construction of the new Navua Hospital, a visit by the Hospital Ship “Peace Ark” and also a visit by medical teams from China has assisted thousands of Fijians.”

Minister Usamate said the MOU formalises Fiji-China health related relationship and will strengthen the health system and help in the prevention and control of infectious diseases such as non-communicable disease.

Chinese Vice Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission, Hon. Sun Zhigang said this opportunity further deepens the cooperation and puts forward a joint development of health enterprises for the two nations.

The Ministry has been on-going a healthcare reform where its 2016-2020 Strategic Plan will lay down the aims and dreams for the upcoming five years.

3 pacific health ministers arrive in fiji for regional meet

Health Ministers from across the region have started arriving in Fiji for the 11th Pacific Health Ministers Meeting.

The meeting which is being held on the 15 – 17 of April will see the Health Ministers from Pacific Governments present on health issues concerning their respective countries. This week’s meeting will allow the Ministers to collectively look at various health issues affecting the region and propose recommendations and solutions.

The Ministry’s acting permanent secretary Dr Meciusela Tuicakau said that the meeting will be attended by 22 Pacific Island countries. Apart from this there will be participants representing Health Ministry’s from around the Pacific, stakeholders, donor agencies and international partners”, said Dr Tuicakau.

This year’s meeting will mark the 20th anniversary of the historic Yanuca declaration. First held on Yanuca Island, Fiji in 1995 and attended by the Ministers of Health for the Pacific Island Countries, the meeting resulted in the Yanuca declaration.

The rapid change in social and economic conditions affecting the quality of life and health in Pacific Island Countries prompted Health Ministers of the Pacific to envision a landmark Healthy Islands Concept. The meeting identified three priority issues: human resources development, health promotion and health protection, and supply and management of pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies.

It laid the foundation for meetings of the Ministers of Health that have followed every year. Those meetings and the ongoing work of health professionals, government ministries, and donor partners have helped establish the Healthy Islands movement as a major public health force in the Pacific. Because of their ongoing work, healthy settings have been implanted in schools, workplaces, health facilities, settlements, villages and communities in the areas of communicable, non-communicable and health system.

This year’s three-day meeting will review the progress and challenges of the Yanuca Declaration over the past 20 years and assess and implement outcomes and recommendations from the 10th and 11th meetings, held in Apia in July 2013 and Honiara in July 2014. These previous meetings set future strategic directions in health leadership and development in the Pacific.

The Health Ministers will also visit Fiji’s Healthy Islands concept areas at Cuvu School, Nabila village (tobacco-free village) and Lomawai health centre. The concept varies in each country such as Healthy Samoa, Islands of Wellness (Fiji) and Healthy Lifestyles (Tonga).

The Healthy Islands vision remains as relevant today as it was 20 years ago in helping improve the lives of all Pacific people.

The theme for this year’s meeting is “From Healthy Islands to Islands of Wellness”.


The Ministry of Women recently toured municipal markets, beginning in Suva, to see how they could improve the working conditions of the women working in these markets.

This latest development is part of the Government’s efforts to address the plight of women market vendors; many of whom travel long hours to reach urban centres to sell their produce. The visit also follows a recent meeting between the Minister for Women Hon. Rosy Akbar and women vendors from Tailevu, Naitasiri and Rewa.

The Ministry’s permanent secretary Dr Josefa Koroivueta visited the vendors in Suva and identified some of the changes that were needed to improve the basic services accessed by the women market vendors.

“The visit is to see with our own eyes as to the real challenges faced by the women market vendors. A report has been prepared and the Ministry will work collaboratively with its stakeholders to ensure that physical infrastructure is improved to make markets more sustainable, safe and accessible”, Dr Koroivueta said.

“The marketplaces need to have gender responsive infrastructure that meets the health, safety and convenience needs of women rural market vendors. Through an integrated approach, the Ministry will work with agencies like UN Women, Ministry of Local Government and special administrators to reach out and assist the women market vendors,” Dr Koroivueta said.

Mrs Kalisita Toroca, of Naloto village in Verata in Tailevu took the opportunity to raise her concerns to the Ministry officials that accompanied the permanent secretary.

“I have been selling root crops and vegetables in the Suva market for the last 25 years to support my family. I usually come to Suva on Thursdays and Fridays and sleep at the accommodation facility that was opened last year. We thank the government for building this facility, when we come this far, at least we now have a nice place to stay.

“We hope that the Ministry of Women will also push for proper shelter for those women vendors who have to sit outside in the sun to sell their products,” Mrs Toroca said.

The Ministry officials also visited the 11 market booths that were opened in 2012 by the Ministry in partnership with the British High Commission and the Suva City Council. From the visit, the team noted that these women were making daily income through selling items like Virgin Coconut Oil, mats, handicrafts, jewelleries and school uniforms