Customer Service Charter Focus Group Consultation

The FPF Strategic Planning and Development Unit conducted Fiji Police Force-Customer Service Charter Focus Group Consultation at Eastern Division Police Headquarters.

It was attended by both members of the Fiji Police and the Community were represented by the Advisory Council reps, Waila Crime Prevention Committee, Shoe Shine Association reps, and Market Vendor representatives.

The FPF- CSC is developed as part of the whole of government public service reforms in improving customer service.  The document seeks to address gaps in expectation by the community on the level of service the Force can offer.  Correspondingly, it also educes relevant effort by members of the Force to respond timely and professionally to the needs of our customers.

A specific area the Force will be addressing is its feedback system especially on complaints that are lodged at police stations.  This is an area the Force has been receiving numerous complaints for lack of feedback which could be due to sheer laxity of police officers, unrealistic demands by complainants or even resources implications.

To this effect feedback timelines are now clearly stated in the customer service charter that  for police stations within the urban and peri-urban, feedback must be provided  within 5 – 10 days whereas rural, it must be done within 10 -15 days.  Retrospectively, this is an improvement from the 3-months timeline that used to be practiced in the past.

The service charter is expected to be rolled out to every stations and community post by the end of March this year.