Community First Aid Workshop For Women

By DORINDA WORK of Stay Connected Fiji

Stay Connected Fiji together with the St. John Association, held a one-day Community First Aid Workshop at Namoli Village, Lautoka on Saturday 23rd March.

Williams & Goslings, Lautoka stepped in with sponsorship and we were able to bring in St. John Association personnel from Suva to conduct the workshop.

The workshop is an initiative of SCFL to train women in the basic skills of First Aid as well as enabling communities to become active participants in building community resilience.

Women from Nasoata settlement and Namoli participated in the workshop which covered assessing scenes and patients and the application of first aid treatment to keep the patient alive until medical assistance arrives.

Participants were also taken through practical sessions on applying CPR and mobilizing patients with minimum disturbance.

Certificates of Attendance were given to the participants at the end of the workshop.  Several women who attended the workshop are members of the Nasoata Disaster Management Committee and will now be better prepared to administer first aid during times of disaster.

There is genuine interest to hold another First Aid workshop for youth in Lautoka later in the year and hopefully this would lead to the reactivation of a Branch for the St. John Association here in the west.