CCTV provides great assistance to Police

Police Constable Salusalu Vuli of Muanikau Community Post  monitoring the CCTV at Suva My Park.


The newly installed CCTV cameras at Suva My Park have greatly assisted the Police Post in Muanikau ever since it was launched three weeks ago.

Now the park is safer for the public thanks to the extra eyes Police have around the facility.

Police Constable Salusalu Vuli of Muanikau Community Post said they can monitor the premises with the cameras and if they find anything suspicious, they will attend to the matter.

“We use to receive a lot of complains that people are drinking inside the park and at times when we attend to it, they are already gone. Now with these cameras, we can easily tell from the camera if people are there to enjoy the facility or for any other reasons,” said Constable Vuli.

If they see a group whose intending to drink, they attend to them, take down their details and remind them of the park rules which forbids them to drink inside the park premises.

With the installation of CCTV, the number of reports concerning about the facility has dropped because of the cameras around the park area.

The CCTV also allows the officers to monitor those enjoying themselves  on the beach and those swimming out at sea.