Cancer women artwork helps raise awareness

Caption: Artist Lambert Ho with his artwork during the Western Cancer Society gathering at the Fist Landing Resort in Vuda. Photo: SUPPLIED.


Women living with cancer were uplifted with encouragement after an original artwork was auctioned and sold for $550 at the Fiji Cancer Society- Western Branch’s first gathering at the First Landing Resort in Vuda.

Fiji’s well known Artist, Lambert Ho said his painting is a reflection, a testament of a woman’s struggles through cancer.

“The painting that I donated to the Western Cancer Society depicts a woman’s face. She represents all women. Women who have a story to tell regarding this dreaded disease we call cancer. She is all beautiful, she is all powerful, she is all love, she is all gentle and pure, she is the bones and the blood and the sweat and the tears that make all things possible.”

The artwork painted by Lambert Ho. Photo: SUPPLIED.

The artwork painted by Lambert Ho. Photo: SUPPLIED.

“The artwork is a reflection, a testament of her struggles through cancer that sometimes woman is devoid and robbed of her ‘woman-ness’,” he said.

Ho said the colours he used in the paintings all have a meaning to it.

“And the choice of colour that I used in the artwork is mainly pink, a gentle colour that is all woman. There is a hint of yellow in the blossom she wears on her ear, this is the confidence and poise, the hope that all who suffer is strong enough to overcome the barriers and the stigma that relate to our women, wherever in society they come from,” he said.

Fiji Cancer Society- Western Branch Vice-President, Milika Marshall said the gathering was about raising awareness and membership within the community.