BULA FM Brings “BUTU PALA” to Nadi


Nadi’s Prince Charles Park will alight itself on fire this Friday when the ‘Butu Pala’ ( meaning dance & celebrate) concert organized by Bula FM sets stage of at 6pm, with featuring Fiji’s six top Fijian bands raining a night of good music and fun for all ages.

Bula FM is one of the six radio stations of the Fiji Broadcasting Corporation.

“This is a night for the whole family to watch some of Fiji’s top bands live on stage,” said Ms Viti Browne from the department of Events and Promotions at FBC.

The Butu Pala will feature:

  • Jale Mareau
  • Cadra ko Muana
  • Savu ni Delailomai
  • Malumu ni tobu
  • Lagi Karakarawa
  • Bill Masi

It will also be a night to meet some of the  favorite Bula FM personalities, mainly the breakfast show host Ben and Lopo, “Vakatara” host Sala Gucake and more added Ms Browne.

Meanwhile, The show will start at 6pm to 10pm. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children below 12 years old.  Tickets can be bought from FBC Suva and Nadi offices, Bula car wash, back road Nadi and at the gate on the night.