Fijian Delegation with the IWAPI Women Group at the Pejaten House in Jakarta. PHOTO:SUPPLIED.


The Fijian delegation currently on an official tour to Jakarta in Indonesia had the opportunity to meet with the Indonesian Business Women’s Association (IWAPI).

The Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Hon. Rosy Akbar and Director Women Mrs Arieta Moceica along with Director Social Welfare Mr Rupeni Fatiaki met with the executives of Indonesian Business Women’s Association at their headquarters in Jakarta on Wednesday this week.

During this visit, the Fijian delegation was taken on the tour of a Museum that displays the Indonesian hand-woven batik and silk materials made by women.  Established 40 years ago, IWAPI provides advocacy platform for Indonesian business women. Today, IWAPI boasts a membership of over 30,000 women business owners; most of whom own and operate hotels, institutions of learning and cosmetic companies.

Through its partnership with the Indonesian Ministry for Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, IWAPI promotes advocacy and advice to influence the Indonesian Government’s policy towards creating an enabling micro-enterprise environment for Indonesian women.

It provides training opportunities for capacity building and micro-financing. And when women business entrepreneurs join IWAPI, they are recognized through the presentation of a laptop and Microsoft software package that provides them with accessibility to the web, internet and e-marketing.

IWAPI membership comprises of 70 percent of women who own small and micro-enterprise businesses (SME), 28 percent own medium-sized enterprises while 2 percent own large businesses.

Minister Akbar commended the work of IWAPI and has extended an invitation to the executives of IWAPI to attend Fiji’s National Women’s Expo 2015 to allow for further information and knowledge sharing between the women entrepreneurs of the two countries.

The founder of Indonesian Business Women’s Association (IWAPI), Dr Dewi Motik Pramono said it was an honor to host the Fiji delegation and they looked forward for increased collaboration in terms of sharing ideas and resources to enhance the potentials of Fijian women into SME’s (Small Medium Enterprises).

Press Release