AG Special General Conference

The General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Fiji Church- Reverend Pita Cili will be seeking another term at next week’s Special General Conference in Lautoka.

The conference begins Monday evening at the Lautoka Full Gospel Tabernacle in Saru, Lautoka and will culminate with the elections on Thursday.

General Secretary Reverend Viliame Vakasausau is also seeking another term.

“This is an important conference because we will not only be having elections but will also discuss our future direction,” said Rev Vakasausau.

He said the conference will also embrace plans for future directions and structural changes that would help propel the church forward.

Rev Vakasausau adds they expect close to six thousand people to pack the evening programmes while the day programmes will bring together over 800 church delegates.

This year’s theme is ‘Restoring Our Fortunes’ and the programmes starts at the church in Saru Monday (18th Aug) evening at 6.45pm.