Women of Maumi Village came in numbers to the village hall to take advantage of the services rendered to them.
More than 80 villagers from Maumi, Tailevu, convened at their village hall last night to participate in the Fund’s Talanoa session.
As to date, the Fund has already conducted 27 Talanoa sessions around the Western and Central Division.
Following numerous demands from other villages, the Fund hopes to organize similar sessions in the coming months in the Central Division before progressing to other parts of the country.
Together with the Talanoa session, the Fund also provides services such as;
1. Joint FNPF/FRCA ID Card registration
2. SUPERTxt and online services
3. Special Death Benefit Funeral Assistance
4. Nomination
5. Voluntary Membership
The Fund’s Talanoa team that travelled to Maumi was led by Assistant General Manager Member Services, Alipate Waqairawai who encouraged villagers to use these sessions as a platform to ask questions about the Fund’s role, investments, benefits and its future plans.
Maumi Village Turaga Ni Koro, Tomasi Tikomainiusiladi was thankful to the Fund for bringing its services to his people in Maumi.
“Keimami dau saumi vodovodo ka wawa tu ena neimami kere veivuke, qo keimami sa mai qaravi saraga ena loma ni neimami koro, au sa marau kina,” he said.
Former Sailor, Jiacoro Bogi dreads the idea of travelling all the way to the Fund’s main customer service office in Suva to enquire for a service. He welcomed the initiative by the Fund to take its services to villages.
“The Fund’s customer service team has come here to serve us, this is what excellent customer services is about; It is taking the service to the people,” Mr. Bogi said.
“The onus is now on the people to take advantage of the service being rendered to them.”
The objective of the talanoa is to foster free-flow of information exchange in an informal setting; enabling our members to discuss FNPF matters with the Fund’s executives.
The Fund has also been conducting workplace seminars in the past few months and will continue to do so in the effort to enhance member understanding of the Fund holistically.