Yatule Beach Resort announces closure for rennovations

The Yatule Beach Resort Limited has announced the closure of the Yatule Beach Resort for renovations. The expected date of renovations is from May 1st to 31st October 2014.

In the meantime YBRL is considering an offer from a potential operator for leasing of the renovated property.

Yatule Beach Resort was constructed in 2005 to serve as accommodation facility for consultants and contractors involved in the construction of the Intercontinental Natadola Resort.

Upon the completion of the construction of the resort, Yatule Beach Resort was then converted to a Bungalow accommodation. However, the Resort has been operating at a loss since inception. The facilities are in an urgent need of upgrading.

The site also sits on a very strategic location and will need to take into account the long term plan for the entire Natadola Beach. The site has been earmarked as potential site for further development.

In line to increase the Resort’s profitability, YBRL have explored several options, which included upgrade of the facilities and outsourcing management to an external operator. With this regard, expressions of Interest were sought to lease the Resort.

The current Resort staff will be offered redundancy packages in line with the Employment Relations Promulgation 2007 and the Collective Agreement.

The staff will have an opportunity to apply for positions at the Resort with the new operator.