Blow the workplace safety trumpet, reps urge

Caption: OHS_Participants of Work Health Safety Workshop with their trainer. Photo: SUPPLIED.

Workplaces in Fiji need more awareness on Work Health and Safety issues- That was the concern of a group of 25 participants who finished a week-long training module in Work Health and Safety last week.

The training was facilitated by National Training and Productivity Centre in partnership with National Safety Council of Australia Ltd.

The course was designed to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills to enable the provision of valid and timely Work Health Safety advice and assist with improving safety in the workplace.

According to the participants, safety in the workplace is not a publicized topic in the workplace in Fiji and it needs to rise to the surface.

The awareness they said, is a collective responsibility that both the employer and the employee need to consider and share.

“Most of the safety procedures that we learnt from this programme are not put in place at most of the workplaces in Fiji. I have chosen to study this programme to improve and broaden my knowledge on safety and to align with my scope of work,” said FNU participant Alanieta Navono from College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

Melanie Raikivi from Pacific Building Solutions said many organizations in Fiji do not focus on the safety aspect in the workplace or treat it as a priority.

Another concern raised by the participants was that the implementation and effectiveness of the laws and regulations should be monitored in an orderly manner.

“We should ensure that our laws and regulations have been implemented, are adhered to by all the companies and that safety becomes a priority,” said Atish Lal of the Vision Group.

Mr Lal said the most exciting part of the course was familiarizing himself with the Australian Act and Regulation on safety in the workplace.

“I am part of this programme to ensure that my company complies with the OHS standards, reduces injuries and increases productivity,” he said.

This he said should be the attitude of the private and public sector.

According to the participants, the training should be a must for all OHS reps in workplaces and those in senior management as well.

“Many of us are not even aware that there are proper Acts and Regulations in place. As a worker, everyone should know about safety at workplace,” said Babita Anjali, a Renal Nurse at the Western Dialysis Centre.