


Farmers and the general public are encouraged to take advantage of the services provided by staff at this year’s West Agriculture Park in Tavua.


The agriculture show is  a one stop shop for sources of agricultural information and also offer amongst other services, free advicefor farmers on integrated farming system.


Agriculture Assistant from Nadarivatu, Viniana Nabitu said that farmers should use the integrated farming system to maximize profit for both crops and livestock farming.


The major attractions at the Tavua Show are the Farmers village, demonstrations by the Animal Health & Production staff and Research Divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture and the display of different farm machineries.


There are various drugs like Nilverm oral, Oxfendazole, Fidos Rinse, Malathion and dairy feed supplements which can be bought from the stalls.


As for crop farmers there are seeds of assorted vegetables such as chilies, eggplant, cowpea, pigeon pea and tomatoes with seedlings of grafted citrus which are being sold at $5.78 per plant.


Assorted varieties of guava, soursop, black sapote, Abiu, passionfruit, starapple, bullock heart (Ram phal), mulberry, cinnamon, cashew nut, sapodia and sweet mangosteen are sold at $1.32 per plant.


Farmers from Ba, Tavua and Lautoka have also brought their produce and are selling them at the Farmers Village tent.


A 69 year old farmer from Rarawai Ba, Jai Ram Khelawan has brought seedlings of pawpaw, tomatoes, red fire chilly and English cabbage and flowers to sell at the Show.


Mr Khelawan has applauded the initiative by the Ministry of Agriculture in bringing the Show to Tavua as well as organizing other Shows around the country, giving an opportunity to farmers to learn more about different techniques used in farming and sharing their experiences with other farmers.


Farmer and businessman, Sio Vumainabuke of Niu Source Fiji who was also at the show selling his produce said that one coconut is worth $50 as he is able  to produces Virgin Coconut Oil, Coconut meal, Coconut butter, Coconut jam and charcoal.


Mr Vumainabuke also sells the coconut shell to the people in his village for jewelry making.


“So there is lot to learn and Shows like this are the opportune time for people to discover new things,”  Vumainabuke said.


The West Agriculture Show is currently held at Garvey Park and ends tomorrow with the presentation of awards to farmers.

Press Release