
Caption: Mr Waisale Turagaivalu uses the improved water pressure to wash his cane knife at one of the new standpipes.

25 August 2015. Located in the highlands of Naitasiri Province, seven kilometres from the Vunidawa Government Depot, Namatabitu Settlement residents have had their rural water supply system upgraded, thanks to work carried out by the Water Authority of Fiji (WAF).

Seventy-five-year-old Waisale Turaganivalu, who lives in one of the eight households making up the Lutu District community said, “There has been a big change in the pressure of water we are receiving in our homes now after the construction was completed. Now the pressure is good and strong.”

Mr Turaganivalu said he first heard of the Government’s Rural Water Scheme on the radio.
“I simply wrote one letter and WAF came over to survey our system.”

He said that under the Rural Water Scheme, the community had had to make a one tenth contribution of $1,700 towards the project. “After the payment, they constructed all this pipe work and as a result we are now receiving a good supply of water,” said Mr Turaganivalu.

The project, which also provides water for a dairy farm near to the settlement, was completed in a mere eight days. This included the upgrading of the existing dam, the laying of 25 lengths of 50mm UPVC pipes and the installation of eight sets of standpipes and shower connections.

Mr Turaganivalu thanked WAF and the Government for “being so fast in coming to our aid,” and solving their water supply problem. “This system will also be enough for our children and grandchildren in the years to come,” he said.