

The Fijian Elections Office [FEO] has begun rolling out the first phase of voter registration as we progress towards the next election.
“The focus remains on registering young Fijians who just turned 18 as well as giving the opportunity to any Fijian who did not register before,” said Mohammed Saneem, Supervisor of Elections.
Some teams will be travelling to locations from this month as a more comprehensive exercise is due to be carried out in July.
“Where possible, we will accompany other government departments who are visiting remote areas and in doing so, we avoid doubling logistics expenses, said Mr. Saneem. It is our goal to offer Fijians election services in an efficient manner.”
The teams will also be issuing replacement EVR cards at the locations as well as allowing Fijians to update their details such as change of address. Other notifications will also be accepted such as death of any registered voter.
Any person who is a Fiji citizen and has reached the age of 18 is entitled to register to vote. To be registered, the person has to present any of the following:
1. Birth certificate, or
2. Valid passport, or
3. Valid ID card such as drivers license, FNPF card, FIRCA/FNPF Joint card or a valid work ID

Press Release