Caption: Ambassador Kamlesh Arya. File Photo.

“The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji congratulates Management of Nadi Sangam Primary School for coming on board and declaring the school Tobacco Free. Embracing an overdue intention in the interest of the staff and student communities is indeed praise worthy,” stated Mr. Kamlesh Arya, the Media Relations Officer of the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji.

“The Sabha is however, seriously concerned about the misinformation on the part of the Ministry of Education and its representative, the Principal Education Officer Mr. Albert Wise, as reported in the Fiji Times of Friday 2 May 2014,” said Mr. Arya.

“The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji took a decision in 1988 to ban consumption of tobacco in all its primary and secondary schools and the Sabha schools remain tobacco free since and as such all Arya Samaj schools are the first tobacco free schools in Fiji and this fact is well known to the Education Ministry,” informed Mr. Arya.

“Nadi Arya Samaj Primary School was established in 1992, hence this school is the first tobacco free school in Nadi,” said Mr. Arya.

“At great odds the representatives on the University of Fiji were able to convince the Members of the Council and the Administration on the dangers to individual health of tobacco consumption and made The University of Fiji a Tobacco Free Institution from the very inception in 2005,” stated Mr. Arya.

“Furthermore, all Sabha schools (22 in numbers) and The University of Fiji is Yagona Free and as well intoxicating drinks free and its institutions can be regarded as Drug free too, as the school managements and administrators keep a strong vigilance on these matters. Sabha has a zero tolerance drugs and substance abuse within its institutions,” said Mr. Arya.

“The Sabha urges managements of other schools in Fiji to help arrest Tobacco related health issues by generating greater awareness in the students of their institutions by declaring them Tobacco Free as well, “added Mr. Arya