

The Hon. Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts, Dr Mahendra Reddy last week met with the TISI Sangam Executives to discuss opportunities in assisting students studying at the Sangam Nursing School.


The TISI Sangam had requested for TELS to also provide loans for students scoring below 250.The Minister responded saying that as per the TELS regulations, students admitted to Higher Education Studies must have at least 250 marks in their Year 13 final exam to qualify for TELS.


However, the Minister proposed that the Sangam School of Nursing should consider providing loans to the current lot of students admitted with them below 250 marks and assist them complete their programs.


The TISI Sangam have said that it will take on board this suggestion and will now ask these students to contact their office for the required paper work.


The Ministry wishes to thank the Sangam School of Nursing for agreeing to assist these students as they are from families who do not have the ability to pay their fees.


The Minister is requesting all students below 250 marks who are admitted at the Nursing School to now contact the school immediately.


The Minister has also stated that the Ministry of Education together with TELS will continue to provide assistance to all aspiring students who have the required mark and is urging  all students to study hard so that they can be admitted for tertiary studies.




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